Sat, 12 December 2009
The topic of this short lesson is how to explain that you're running late for an appointment. In our role-play, Mr. Morel is stuck in traffic. He has to pull over and make a quick call to say that he'll be a little late. Let's listen. We'll work with lots of useful expressions and vocabulary, including: "avoir rendez-vous", "avoir du retard", "Ça ira", "être sur le point de", "être à l'appareil", and more. C'est parti! |
Fri, 4 December 2009
The subject of this lesson is a remarkable woman, born in the Ukraine but now a resident of the United States. Some say she has raised the bar of musical performance higher than anyone so far. Whether that is indeed true or not, let's hear a role-play between Énora and Paul as they talk about Valentina Lisitsa. We'll meet the following expressions, and more: couple le souffle, énerver, faire plaisir, mettre en valeur, jeter un coup d'oeil, être critique. |
Wed, 7 October 2009
In this lesson, lesson 133, we hear a discussion between Sonia and Frédéric about the Polanski affair. His recent arrest in Zurich was an outrage to some and long overdue to others. Discover useful words and expressions, including "clore", "extrader", "sidérer", "s'en ficher de", "faire chanter" and "écoeurer". |
Thu, 24 September 2009
In recent weeks, just about every news bulletin has had a mention of swine flu. To pick up some relevant vocabulary, in this lesson, lesson 132, we’ll hear a role-play where Céline tells us how she picked up a virus. We'll discover some useful expressions, including: "Il me suffisait de…", "être assis", "envoyer des postillons", "un toubib", "tousser", and more. |
Sun, 16 August 2009
In this lesson, lesson 131, we’ll discover how to talk about a concert we’ve been to. In this case, it’s a rock concert. Let’s get started with a role-play between Lucie and Étienne. We'll practice using a range of expressions: 'mettre des boules Quiès', 'se moquer de', 'déchirer', 'arriver à [faire quelque chose]', 'tenir le coup', 'bourdonner', and more. C'est parti! |
Fri, 26 June 2009
The world of pop music lost one of its most famous exponents in Michael Jackson. His passing was a shock, not least because he was only fifty. In this lesson, let’s talk about some of the things that made Jackson a larger-than-life figure... We’ll start with a role-play. |
Fri, 12 June 2009
In this lesson, lesson 129, we hear a role-play between Sandrine and Yann. They are discussing an article by a journalist who has made some rather unflattering comments about the French on an English website. Though the comments may have been tongue-in-cheek, neither Sandrine nor Yann finds the comments amusing. Let’s hear their thoughts... |
Sat, 30 May 2009
One of our listeners asked that we would do a lesson on opening a bank account. That’s the topic of conversation in this lesson, lesson 128. In fact, opening an account is not so straightforward and sometimes even necessitates an appointment. In any case, let’s study some of the vocabulary and expressions we’ll need. Let’s listen to a role-play between the customer and the bank teller. |
Tue, 21 April 2009
Though this lesson, lesson 127, has an Irish flavour, our dialogue relates to a quirky story which hit the headlines worldwide… at the expense of the Irish Prime Minister. Let’s listen to a role-play between Xavier and Amélie. We'll discover some very interesting expressions including 'être nu comme un ver', 'être culotté' and 'faire jaser les commères'. C'est parti! |
Sat, 4 April 2009
One or our listeners asked that we would do a lesson on renting an apartment. It’s an activity which, as one might expect, has its own specific vocabulary. In this lesson, lesson 126, let’s see if we can shed some light. We’ll hear a role-play between the 'agent immobilier' and Jérôme who is eager to find his own place in the Paris region... |
Fri, 20 March 2009
A new sporting chapter has opened for Lance Armstrong, 7-time winner of the Tour de France. This year, after 3 years of retirement, he plans a return to the world’s greatest cycling race. Surely it is a chapter which can only result in frustration for the American. In this lesson, lesson 125, let’s hear a conversation between Solène and Xavier about the controversial sportsman. |
Mon, 16 February 2009
As a consequence of the global financial crisis, unemployment is at the top of the agenda. Being made redundant is one of the themes of this lesson, lesson 124. We'll make use of the verbs 'licencier' and 'délocaliser', we'll examine the expressions 'd'autant plus', 'avoir le cafard' and 'mourir à petit feu' and, finally, we'll learn about a curious place called 'Pétaouchnok'! |
Sun, 1 February 2009
One of our listeners asked that we would do a lesson focusing on a trip to the local dry-cleaner’s. That’s the topic of conversation in this lesson, lesson 123. We'll discover lots of useful expressions and several versatile verbs, including 'détacher', 'enlever', 's'allumer', 's'éteindre'... and more. C'est parti! |