Tue, 21 April 2009
Though this lesson, lesson 127, has an Irish flavour, our dialogue relates to a quirky story which hit the headlines worldwide… at the expense of the Irish Prime Minister. Let’s listen to a role-play between Xavier and Amélie. We'll discover some very interesting expressions including 'être nu comme un ver', 'être culotté' and 'faire jaser les commères'. C'est parti! |
Sat, 4 April 2009
One or our listeners asked that we would do a lesson on renting an apartment. It’s an activity which, as one might expect, has its own specific vocabulary. In this lesson, lesson 126, let’s see if we can shed some light. We’ll hear a role-play between the 'agent immobilier' and Jérôme who is eager to find his own place in the Paris region... |